Ohio's nursing homes

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has data on 940 nursing homes in Ohio. The data, obtained in April, contain inspection records for a three-year period ending Feb. 27 of this year. Annual inspections resulted in the citations (called deficiencies). Deficiences characterized as indicating "substandard care" are more serious than other deficiencies. Use the chart and search box below to explore this information on Ohio's nursing homes.

Residents and deficiencies

How do Ohio nursing homes perform when the number of residents is compared with the number of deficiencies? The chart below plots Ohio's 940 nursing homes, with Miami Valley nursing homes colored in blue. Hover over a dot for more information.

Find information on an Ohio facility

Reporting: Ken McCall | Interactive: Kyle Nagel | Source: U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Dayton Daily News analysis with technical guidance from ProPublica | Published: May 11, 2014 |