4 steps to better joint health

Your joints are truly amazing. Imagine walking with your best friend, bending to smell a flower or tossing a ball to your kids without your flexible joints.

To help keep these moveable marvels healthy and free of diseases that can harm them — like arthritis and osteoporosis — practice a little joint TLC:

1. Keep moving. "Exercise helps keep muscles around your joints strong and in good working order," says Gurpal Ahluwalia, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with Kettering Physician Network's Far Oaks Orthopedists. Aim for 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or water aerobics, every week. Participate in activities to strengthen your major muscle groups at least two days a week.

2. Lighten your load. "Excess weight puts added stress on the joints of your knees, hips and feet," Dr. Ahluwalia explains. "Every extra pound you gain puts four times the stress on your knees. Losing even a small amount of weight may help the health of your joints."

To keep pounds from piling on, practice portion control. Eating plenty of naturally calorie-light fruits and veggies as part of a balanced diet may also help. And don’t forget to think about what you drink—many beverages are high in calories. Cutting back on calorie-laden beverages can help you lose weight.

3. Bone up on calcium and vitamin D. This mineral-vitamin duo helps build and maintain strong bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, which thins bones and makes them prone to fractures.

Sources of calcium include low-fat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese, along with foods such as broccoli, kale, and canned salmon with edible bones. Some juices, cereals, breads, soy milk, and bottled water have calcium added to them. Read the labels. They may also contain vitamin D.

Your skin makes vitamin D when exposed to the sun. However, being in the sun also raises your risk of skin cancer. Ask your doctor if you should take a vitamin D supplement.

4. Butt out. If you smoke, your bones will thank you if you quit. You're at higher risk of fractures because you smoke. "Smoking also affects how bones heal following a fracture," says Dr. Ahluwalia. "Patients who smoke have a higher rate of delayed union and non-union of fractures as well as other complications compared to patients who do not smoke."

Quitting is often easier said than done. Here are a few ways to kick the habit:

  • Talk with your health care provider about stop-smoking medicines. He or she can help you decide if one of them might work well for you.
  • Pick a quit date, and let family and friends know so that they can help support your decision.
  • Rid your home, car and work of any cigarettes, matches, lighters or ashtrays.

Kettering Health Network is a faith-based, not-for-profit healthcare system. The network has eight hospitals: Grandview, Kettering, Sycamore, Southview, Greene Memorial, Fort Hamilton, Kettering Behavioral Health and Soin.

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