Then and Now: From a “house of Public Entertainment” to Lebanon’s Golden Lamb

The origins of the historic Golden Lamb hotel date back even further than two centuries to 1803 when New Jersey native Jonas Seaman plunked down $4 for a license to “keep a house of Public Entertainment” on Broadway in the brand new village of Lebanon.

The Golden Lamb is the subject of this week's update to the popular Then & Now photo feature, which explores past and present views of notable Dayton locations.

Over the years the hotel changed owners and names numerous times but travelers continued to arrive in Lebanon by stage coach, locomotive and then by automobile, always making the Golden Lamb their destination.

» The Dayton Arcade
» The notable newspaper building
» Fifth and Brown, from drug store to Salar
» Kuhns Building, since 1882

This photograph was taken around 1915 when the building was called the Ownly Hotel. It was purchased by Ownly Furman after the previous owner, Albert Stubbs died in Feb. 1914.

Sharp shooter Annie Oakley and astronaut Neil Armstrong are among the famous who have visited the hotel. Literary greats Harriet Beecher Stowe, Samuel Clemens and Charles Dickens also visited.

The Golden Lamb has also played host to 12 United States presidents before, during and after their time in office.

Today, the Golden Lamb, one of the oldest continuously running hotels in the country, celebrated its 200th anniversary last year.

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